Frequently asked questions

Quick answers to questions you may have.

What is WallGlobe?

WallGlobe is a curated collection of the best wallpaper apps for your mobile devices (phones and tablets). We hand-pick and review apps across various categories, styles, and platforms (iOS and Android) to help you discover amazing wallpapers and personalize your screen.

Do I download wallpapers directly from WallGlobe?

No, WallGlobe does *not* host wallpapers directly. We provide links and reviews to the *apps* where you can download the wallpapers. You'll need to download and install the individual apps from their respective app stores (like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store).

Are the apps listed on WallGlobe free?

The apps listed on WallGlobe have various pricing models. Some are completely free, some offer in-app purchases (for premium features or content), and some are paid apps. We clearly indicate the pricing model for each app in our reviews. We strive to include a good mix of free and paid options.

How do you choose which apps to feature?

Our team carefully reviews and tests each wallpaper app based on several criteria, including: wallpaper quality and variety, user interface and experience, frequency of updates, user reviews, and overall value. We aim to feature only high-quality, reputable apps.

Can I suggest a wallpaper app for WallGlobe to review?

Yes, absolutely! We welcome suggestions from our users. Please contact us at our Email ( with the name of the app and a link to its app store page (if possible). We can't guarantee that every suggested app will be featured, but we appreciate your input.

What if a link to an app is broken or the app is no longer available?

We regularly check the links on our site to ensure they are working correctly. However, apps can sometimes be removed from app stores or change their URLs. If you find a broken link, please let us know at our Email (, and we'll update it as soon as possible.

Does WallGlobe collect any personal data?

We take your privacy seriously. We do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) unless you voluntarily provide it to us (e.g., by contacting us via email: We may use cookies for website analytics (to understand how our site is used), but these are anonymized. Please see our full Privacy Policy for detailed information.

I'm a developer of a wallpaper app. How can I get my app listed on WallGlobe?

We are always interested in discovering new and high-quality wallpaper apps. Please contact us at our Email ( with details about your app, including a link to its app store page, a brief description, and any relevant press materials. We'll review your submission and get back to you if we're interested in featuring it.